Young dancers and those with a few experiences learn ballet.
This division is only ballet shoes.
Divisions which you apply with JBC choreography.
『PREPARATION』【P01】【P02】【P03】 ※only【P01】must be JBC Choreography.
『COMPETITION』【C02】 ※ Other divisions which you can’t apply.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher.
※If there are any changes, we’ll inform you on JBC Web and SNS.
501_JBC choreography women【Ver.2】 Sleeping beauty Florine Va
Tome 1’14 From stage right Dancers prepare.
※1’24, stage left is wrong on You Tube, 1’14, stage right is correct.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you are coming out from the stage sleeve, be careful that height of your arms, direction your body. Especially, stay keeping your back arms, don’t move the position. From beginning, face should look in the direction, and then face will turn to forward before close the center.
Before 5th position, definitely, stretch your front legs and back legs also, and then you go 5th position. Completely positions like en bar, direction your body and direction your face.
When you do allonge, don’t move just wrist, thinking of until fingers, face move together with arms and upper body, and then don’t move your hip. Keep your 5th position.
Be careful elbow and fingers when you change the arms position, especially don’t hide your face, don’t bend your wrist, don’t like a stick your fingers when you move from en haut to allonge.
When you do from écarté devant to tendu, keep stay your hip with 5th. Don’t sit your standing legs, keep same levels your hip, don’t bend your toes when you do pointe. Don’t forget that face is always together with your arms.
After tundu, pull up your body when you change direction your body. You can try to do 5th position that you pull up your left back and cross your feet with focus on right foot turn out. (Same for other side.)
A series of échappée to tundu movement, your body direction is diagonal. Échappé is forward a little bit your upper body and then you go allonge but don’t Posterior tilt your hip. A series of plié to échappée movement, can be done without falling out your body if you focus your ischium. Tunde devant is keep the hip straight, tunde back side is fine that is posterior tilt your hip but not too much. Every tude comes with por de bras, don’t move only arms, important coordination that it include face direction and your fingers.
You do from cou de pied to devant, you can do more easily move your upper body with shift your left legs, but don’t Posterior tilt your hip. When you do pose, your arms is crossed but don’t your elbow like a stick. Must imagine is en avant.
Next movement is from right foot is cou de pied to left foot is tundu, so your foot should turn out from six position first. (Same for other side.)
When you walk to diagonal, you need to coordination that is strong your standing legs, turn out, and por de bras. When you through cou de pied that is strong standing legs, when you devant that is turn out and focus is placement your hip. When your arms is going to be allonge, don’t use your hip, must use your upper body. When you walk, and last arabesque position, don’t turn in your left legs. When you do arabesque, don’t bend your left back, keep longer and no too much stretch your arms, and last pose also don’t change your back, just move your arms.
502_JBCchoreography Women 【Ver.2】Paquita 4th Va
Time 1’20 From stage Left Dancers prepare.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you do pose, important things that your left standing legs is strong, so don’t sit your right legs with tundu, pull up your upper body.
When you walk to diagonal, you need to strong your standing legs, and turn out. When you through cou de pied that is strong standing legs and focus is placement your hip. When your arms are going to be allonge, don’t use your hip, must use your upper body.
When you go forward with turn out, pas de bourree have to be quick change from six position.
Next movement, tundu is turn out your left legs, also you have to be quick change from six position.
When you do from cou de pied to tundu, your upper body is going to change but don’t move to your hip, important things are turn out with both leg.
Next, bend your back legs pose, don’t turn in your right legs. Try to make a beautiful allonge.
(Repeat 2 times)
When you change to direction, you need to things that is strong standing legs, turn out. When you through cou de pied that is strong standing legs, when you devant that is turn out and focus is placement your hip. If it is correct, you can do turn out. When you allonge, don’t move your hip.
Next pose, don’t sit your left legs with tundu and pull up your body.
(Same for other side.)
When you do tundu before sus-sous, your arms is crossed but don’t your elbow like a stick. Must imagine is en avant.
When you do sus-sous, you have to put the floor with your left legs. Don’t move your hip with allonge.
When you travel to back with pas de bourree, you have to change from six position to turn out because, coupe and tundu are turn out.
When you walk to diagonal with coupe and tundu, important things are turn out, por de bras, epaulement, and coordination. Don’t slowly shift your body.
When you do from pas de bourree with six position to end the pose with turn out, have to be quick change.
End the pose, you need to epaulement but don’t move your hip.
503_JBC choreography Women【Ver.2】Sleeping Beauty, Enchanted Garden Fairy Va
Time 0’42 From stage Left Dancers prepare.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you are coming out from the stage sleeve, be careful that height of your arms, direction your body. Especially, stay keeping your back arms, don’t move the position.
Before 5th position, definitely, stretch your front legs and back legs also. Completely positions like en bar, direction your body and direction your face.
When you do échappée, don’t move the core and hop with change the direction and keep position your en bar. Relevé is high, pull up your body, don’t drop your body when you do plié.
When you do from coupe to écarté devant, shift your standing legs, don’t sit your legs. Don’t forget to epaulement, also spot is important with your eyes and your knee.
When you close from écarté to 5th position, en haut is opening from fingers and becareful your face direction.
Accent is very important.
(Same for other side.)
Temps lie is the basic. Focus is body and face ‘s directions, por de bras, shift changes, turn out. You should go back to 5th position after écarté devant as soon as. It is important things that pill up your body, don’t move your hip, turn out.
(Same for other side.)
When you do from coupe to dégagé that important things are shift changes, body and face’s direction, por de bras, and turn out. Especially, be careful your hip position with demi-pointe, and shift change to on-balance. Coordination is important with right legs and arms. Your wrist is going to be allonge, arrondi, don’t too much move your wrist. Don’t shake your wrist, just change your wrist. Keep your hip when you rise your legs.
When you walk to diagonal that important things are changing shift, strong standing legs and turn out. When you through cou de pied that is strong standing legs, when you devant that is turn out and focus is placement your hip. When you allonge, don’t move your hip.
After arabesque, you do 5th plié but your hip position must be correct. When you plié with don’t push bck your hip, pull upper body, keep the arches of your feet and then you can turn out more and sus-sous. You use the por de bras, don’t too much stretch your elbow.
504_JBC choreography women【Ver.2】Raymonda Pizzicato Va
Time 1’31From stage right Dancers prepare.
※1’24 is wrong on You Tube, 1’31 is correct.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you are coming out from the stage sleeve, be careful that height of your arms, direction your body. Especially, stay keeping your back arms, don’t move the position. From beginning, face should look in the direction, and then face will turn to forward before close the center.
Before 5th position, definitely, stretch your front legs and back legs also, and then you go 5th position. Completely positions like en bar, direction your body and direction your face.
Don’t too much use the epaulement with allonge. You look at left hand, make a en avant first, and then preparing to pas de chat.
When you do pas de chat, keep same levels your hip with raise your right knee. Should show us position at air quickly.
When you tundu, standing legs will change but don’t change your body. Definitely, right arm is diagonal. Also, important direction are left elbow and face.
When you open the en haut, upper body is moving with your arms but next is arabesque, so don’t bend too much. Important coordination that is from por de bras with pas de bourree to how to travel with your feet. After pas de bourree, plie is important because next you will jump.
Important coordination that changes to direction from back legs to front legs with your arms. When you walk, keep your arms.
When you do passe, you change the direction from 5th position and stretch your right legs first and then left legs is going to passe.
Always when you do pose with your arms. Travel back with six position’s pas de bourree, your arms should use until your fingers.
A series of coupe to tundu movement, Important coordination that turn out, por de bras and epaulement. Next movement, easily move your hip and core so, be careful when you change the shift. You use the arms when you change it. Important coordination that sus-sous and your arms. It’s same timing.
Don’t turn, just change the direction. Next movement, be careful your positions that is your arms and your face.
After 5th position from tundu, soft plie and tombé with your arms. After tombé, important things that deep plie, left arabesque, and body direction.
Change the direction during pas de bourree.
Don’t move your body, don’t change the direction your body, face is changing with assemble. After jump, 5th position with plie, timing with your arms, deep plie and then you do sus-sous.
End the pose is bend your back legs.
505_JBCchoreography Men【Ver.2】La Vivandiere Va
Time 1’03 From stage Left Dancers prepare.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you prepare on stage, this video is 5th position but also 3rd position is fine.
When you do échappée, don’t drop your arch of the foot. Don’t move your body when you take off, posture in the air, and landing. When you do tendu, you sould show that your body change direction. Por de bras is important. Pull up body, heel forward, and keep same levels your hip. When you change the position from devant to derriere, you don’t need to change your body. You need to shift your one legs. Important things that your hip doesn’t move just keep at all time.
From sus-sous to changement, placement of your hip is important. Be careful nothing changes your hip when you do from 5th position to plie, pull up sus-sous and changement, and landing from changement.
Battement tendu, also hip is important. Don’t forget, strong your standing legs with tendu.
From 2nd position plie to retire, you should know shift your balance. Retire balance, you need to shift your one legs so, placement of your hip is important. Don’t rest 5th position. You do from 5th position to tendu as soon as.
After 2nd times retire, show us 5th plie. Also keep your hip.
When you sit down, don’t drop your back, pull up your upper body. Also be careful body’s direction.
506_JBCchoreography Men【Ver.2】Giselle, Peasant Va
Time 1’04 From stage Right Dancers prepare.
※JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher※
When you do prepare on stage, temps lie is the basic.
Stretch your right legs and then stretch your back left legs after shift your balance.
You change the direction as soon as from 5th position (3rdposition) plie so, shift your left standing legs. Next movement is battement fondu. Ischium direction is vertical with floor.
When you do fondu, don’t turn in. If it is possible, you can do turn out your back tendu. From front left legs tendu to back right legs tendu is temps lie. Focus is shifting your body. Next is from coupe to sus-sous, also you it needs to keep your hip. Ischium direction is vertical with floor.
From 5th position to plie is pull up your body, keep same levels your hip when you are landing on floor.
(This changement have to change in the air as soon as)
2nd times, legs are opposite so, just thinking that it change direction with passe par terre from tendu.
This combination just continues from tendu to fondu. Be careful you hip when you bend your upper body. Same timing your legs and flip your palm of your hand.
When you do sus-sous, turn out your standing legs. You have to think your hip’s placement when you do plie.
When you change the direction from croise, also keep your hip. Pull up your body and epaulement.
Next movement, just think that temps lie and passe par terre.
We will change the direction 3times with body and por de bras so, don’t shake your body that from 4th position plie to 1st position plie, écarté devant tendu.
End landing is left legs. You can balance that coupe put on standing legs, ischium direction is vertical with floor, and strong your upper body if you can.
Notes on Choreography and Sound Source
- The copyright of the JBC choreography belongs to the Japan Ballet Competition, and it is not allowed to dance in other competitions or on stage without permission.
- JBC choreography, music is slow tempo. Because dancer will express the basic of ballet in the Va.
- • The sound files of the JBC choreography are available at the JBCSTORE.
You can try to listen in this page.
- The sound files used in the JBC choreography have been specially recorded for this choreography. We permitted for only the entry in the JBC choreography.
- If a choreographer enters a competition using a JBC choreograph’ s sound source when you aren’t JBC choreography, disqualified after consultation with the Executive Committee.
- JBC choreography must be taught by your teacher.
- Please bring your own costumes that is match your Va.
- If you have any questions about the JBC choreography system, please contact the JBC office (Tell 0120-4180-55)